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Hei hei hei...
The girl

(Seow Yan)

Birthday: 19/09/87
Favorite: Duckies, Chickies, Chibis character
Hates: Playing soccer,Vulgarities
Dislike: Dairy Products, Cheese, Pizza, Pasta, Milk, Spaghetti, yogurt

Your Footprints

Her friends

Seconday Friends
Cheng Hsiang
Hui Ru

Poly Friends
Shan Yi
Su Rong
Wan Qing
Yu Xiang

ANL's Friends

SIM Friends
Guo Wei

Her cravings

Earn more money! more n more plz...
Go oversea to Hong Kong(Soon ^^), Taiwan

Her Nolstalgia

September 2008♥
October 2008♥
November 2008♥
December 2008♥
January 2009♥
February 2009♥
March 2009♥
April 2009♥
May 2009♥
June 2009♥
August 2009♥
September 2009♥
October 2009♥
November 2009♥
December 2009♥
January 2010♥
February 2010♥
March 2010♥
April 2010♥
May 2010♥
June 2010♥
July 2010♥

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thur met Carol for dinner. She wanna go Pasir Ris. Had MFM(Manhatan Fish market) for dinner. Then went to play arcade. On the way up, my students saw me and I still didn't realised it until Carol ask me. haHAha.... see, I always don't look at others de.

Fri class is their first lesson. Will going around helping them, one of the students is sitting on the chair with two legs. normally people will sit with two legs by tilting the chair to the front. But this student tilt her chair to the side instead. And when she put the chair down, it step onto my leg!!!! OUCH!!! >.<>.<>.<
her sweet memory was written @ 6:16 PM with 0 comments

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
timetable is out

Awww.... just went to check school timetable. Next week starts school liao.... I haven even rest and play lor T_T everyday work and work and work >.< haiz..... sad....
her sweet memory was written @ 9:53 PM with 0 comments

Monday, March 23, 2009
There gone my admin day again/forever

ha.....ha.......ha......... as expected, 2day my admin day ganna eat up again!! morning receive her sms saying she's sick on mc. once I saw it, i off my phone and charge it. arg..... reply her when I'm outside the school gate.

But now I'm clever. I ask her tml on leave? She say no. So ask her to take my tue class coz I've not finish my preparation for wed class. hoHO....

Last min meet carol after work. While waiting for carol, say Chris. She's meeting surong for concert. Then went to starbuck there wait for carol and say huiru. haHAha.... We went to ochacha for a drink then din tai feng for xiao long bao and went home after that.
her sweet memory was written @ 8:59 PM with 0 comments

Sunday, March 22, 2009
UOW class gathering

2day's program should be cycling in the morning, lunch @ 12noon, prawning @ 3pm, dinner @ bedok blk 85 @ 7pm.

Due to the raining weather and decrease in number of people, I decided to cancel off the cycling trip. Perhaps next gathering ;-) So my plan will start at 12noon.

Reached pasir ris @ 11.45am. Went to downtown east shopping centre walk around and wait for them to reach. went to the control station at around 12.05pm, Chris is there already. Next is Ru Hui follow by the 3guys(edwin, gw, daren).

While waiting for CS :

kok is hungry liao....

Caught red handed. S$1000 fine to me!! cash only! haHA..

Vivian is still at home sleeping, so she'll meet us form prawning onwards. CS is still taking his time. We waited for him till 1pm, then went to the food court first.

In the end, me, ruhui and CS bought curry katsu rice, Chris-teriyaki chicken rice, daren-nasi lemak, gw-hokkien mee, edwin-dao suan.

We went to play arcade after lunch @ ard 1.30pm. We topped up $20 and get another $15 free ^^ we happily play till 3pm lor. haHAha...

went to try the new japan version bishi bashi. b4 we wanted to try, we are trying to look at how the play is going to be like. Waited for so long, it s still the record panel. And dunno what I press, my face ganna capture and I'm ranking the 1st on the record list -.-''' haHAha...

We are killed by the forming the japan words. How will we noe how 2 form the japan word? lol... this is how it looks like :

Then I went to try the new DDR, asking who wanna play but none, so I play myself. And CS very 'good' he wanna accompany me, went to add 1 more credit. in the end can't add a player and he dun 1 to play liao. so I've to complete 5 songs for each credit. Play till stomach pain liao. Thanks to CS. haHA

We went to ntuc buy drinks then four leaves buy bun. And set off to pasir ris farmway 1.

On the way to pasir ris farmway 1:

who's hand over there?? extra!! girls in the bus ;-)

horhor... J-walk...

CS, stop smoking la!!!

Upon reaching there, we started to take photos ^^ :

chris extra:

look @ kok wei's face

same face expression again -.-'''

Girls in the house ;-)

It's fake... it's real?? its goose...

yes, it's real! it's wet somemore:

fish farm tour around :

woots.... a duplicate or chris/daren???

lure the fishes ;-)

oh my goodness!!! CS!! we just reach farmway away lunch not long ago leh... haHA....

fishy :

spider web :

girls in the house :

CS, 生日早就过了。。。


Our first try, the Fish Spa Therapy o.O Went to ask the uncle for a split of time and money. Coz It's $12 half an hr, $20/hr. Wanted to get the 1hr package and split into 2 person of 1/2 an hr each. At first, the uncle don't let us have it. Then told him that we have 9person then he let us have it ^^ hoHOho

nice environment

All the fishes

First thing we need to do is to wash our leg, then put our feet into the water. It is so sO SO ticklish and have the electric feeling. Once you put your leg in, all the fishes like hungry ghost all chiong towards your leg!!

Step 1: Wash your leg

1st to go down. look @ kok wei's expression. so high


Edwine high liao....

Came 在忍, daren don't dare. liling having fun.

Edwin 在忍 also.

Look at edwin's leg!!

Chris's leg

Kok wei's leg


came got a fright

daren 还是不敢。

At first, I'm so scare that kept on screaming and put my leg above the water. haHAha... After a while, its quite fun actually ^^

edwin and my leg

Last step, wash leg and clean it up

Edwin's leg

Kok wei's leg

Went prawning after this fish spa threapy. This time round, uncle really dun let us split into 2rods. So we have to buy 4 rods of 2 hrs each and share around.

Everyone of us at least caught 1 prawn each but gw & whine whine's rod caught none. We suspect that it's because they ate Hokkien mee(with prawns) either in the morning or afternoon. haHAha.... In total, we caught 13 prawns and head down to Bedok blk 85 for dinner.

And here comes beng, steven, zi jian and jimmy to join us for dinner.

After dinner, took cab with daren and cs to tampines interchange and took bus home ^^ Had lots of fun 2day and hope everybody does ^^
her sweet memory was written @ 11:50 PM with 0 comments