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Hei hei hei...
The girl

(Seow Yan)

Birthday: 19/09/87
Favorite: Duckies, Chickies, Chibis character
Hates: Playing soccer,Vulgarities
Dislike: Dairy Products, Cheese, Pizza, Pasta, Milk, Spaghetti, yogurt

Your Footprints

Her friends

Seconday Friends
Cheng Hsiang
Hui Ru

Poly Friends
Shan Yi
Su Rong
Wan Qing
Yu Xiang

ANL's Friends

SIM Friends
Guo Wei

Her cravings

Earn more money! more n more plz...
Go oversea to Hong Kong(Soon ^^), Taiwan

Her Nolstalgia

September 2008♥
October 2008♥
November 2008♥
December 2008♥
January 2009♥
February 2009♥
March 2009♥
April 2009♥
May 2009♥
June 2009♥
August 2009♥
September 2009♥
October 2009♥
November 2009♥
December 2009♥
January 2010♥
February 2010♥
March 2010♥
April 2010♥
May 2010♥
June 2010♥
July 2010♥

Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's been awhile since we last met. Meet up with pf and chun keat today. Accompany pf to buy valentine day present.

Had lots of chatting today ^^

Dinner @ mos burger.

Chun keat and me :

Me and pf :

It's fun going out with them.
Chun Keat had his dinner again @ coffee club while I ordered mud pie ^^
her sweet memory was written @ 11:25 PM with 0 comments

Friday, January 30, 2009
PET dinner @ Merchant Court

It's been awhile since we had our last PET dinner. Went to school early in the morning, had lunch @ mega bites. Ordered fish and chip as usual everywhere I go ^^ That guy gave me 3pieces of fish while CS only have 2pieces. haHAha.... Tat guy like me la... lol....

Went home after lunch, waiting for darling to knock off. He went home bathe le then meet me. The dinner is at 7pm. It's 6.20pm already yet no news from him. Scared that he went to sleep again. So hurry up called him.

He answered after my 3rd call. Lucky he still can wake up. Else.....

Of course am late for the dinner. As usual, I'll be super full after eating mega bite's fish and chip.

Ate very little over there. But seriously, I'm not a buffet style person as I don't eat much.

I still can remembered what I ate. 5 samosa, 1 spring roll, fish, 1 clay fish, 1 side of crab's hand, 1 fried bun, 1 yam paste and 1 glass of red wine only. It's a $48 buffet yet I ate so little rite?? Seriously, i'm super full lor. Can say over eating too.

Suzsu's favourite, taking photo :

Same as I do, taking photo of her :

fifi's plate of meat. didn't take his plate of vegi >.< :

jac and sab poured sugar on my thumb >.< :

Wanted to chop off darling's head :

Suzsu :

Don :

Don and fifi :

3/4 of the people :

BJ eating durain wasabi mouse by fifi. **he don't eat durain :

Noticed that paul will always sit beside BJ whenever BJ is being sabo :

See how happy paul is for sabo-ing BJ :

Too 'hot' for her! As she don't eat spicy food :

What's so funny?? :

Bdae cake :

Me taking photos again ^^ :

Wishing :

Suzsu and sab :

Joyce, BJ and Ryan :

BJ and Paul :

Group photo :

Formal photo :

BJ, Don and Paul :

Opening the present :

Resting point thinking for next destination :

Paul is dying :

Crazy action as usual :

Requested pose by me ^^ :

After ard 1/2hr of conversation, we ended up decided to go home instead. And while we're walking to the mrt station, we ended up went to marina sq play arcade till 1am plus.
her sweet memory was written @ 11:57 PM with 0 comments

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Chill out sesson

Tis morning went back to office for training as i'm going to be ME(multimedia educator) of Tampines Sec staring from next monday. I'm not 'zai' in video. Never teach video at all because I don't have the confident in it.

Wake up early in the morning 6.40am. Reached office at 8.20am. Thought that they will not reach early, so went to the canteen had my breakfast alone. The 'dou gan' taste sour lor >.< Aww....

Once I reach office, o.O most of them reached at 8am where working hours is 8.30am wo... Surprisingly they're early this year.

Had a quick learning of flash which I'd already know about it. Then Carol teach us the procedure of teaching video. All those pre-production, production and post-production stuff.

Saw my darling is back to office in between. Thought he's not coming back. After the video training, some went out eat while we 'da bao' food back to office. And went home at ard 1plus to 2pm while all of them going to schools for training.

Went home and sleep 1st coz am really tired >.< later on at nite meeting them for dinner and buy jan babies present. Intended to sleep 1hr and do my stuff after that before my darling called me after his work to meet. Don't know why I never hear the alarm at all and sleeped for 2 hours till my darling knock off and called me.

We're meeting the rest at orchard. Had our dinner and walked taka for the presents.

After all, we walked down to opp shaw settle down in starbucks.

I really looks 'nerd'/'si wen' with my specs on ^^ haHAha.... Will be wearing specs for work coz dun wanna have dry eyes will teaching.

Me and jac aka 'xiao huang'

fifi is consulting darling not to work after working hours

Suzsu and me

hoHOho.... wad are we looking at???

heavy bags

messy Suzsu
her sweet memory was written @ 11:47 PM with 0 comments

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy 牛 year!!!

Happy 牛 year!!!

May all get lots of ang bao $... though I'll not have as much as last yr coz my great grandma just passed away last nov. So if you come to my house, don't bring oranges. I can't receive your orange and also I can't give orange. But I still can take ang bao -.-'''

As usual, 1st day of CNY we'll go to 4 places. Last destination is my cousin house(mother side).

And I made a fool of myself >.< hurhurhur....... It's my 1st time staying till so late as I'm waiting for the kids to come and 1 of my cousin's family stay till so late also. Else I'll be going out le.

This is the 1st time I saw my cousin in CNY day 1. Coz normally i went off early. They are back at 5pm. The kids reached at 5plus. I went off at 7.30pm meet my darling for inkheart.

Went to PS gv, oni left with 11plus slot. Went to the cathay, only hav 12am slot. Went to cine-leisure 9plus slot all full, left with 11plus slot also. So we went to Shaw tower and try our luck.

Woo... The theather is so big and it's not pack with people. The show starts at 9.45pm and we just bought our ticket at 9.45pm. ha.... The story is so-so only. With lots of nice effect.


23/24 Jan 09 (fri, sat) :

Meet my darling at evening time then at nite last minute meet the rest for prawning. Sabsab, daina, suzsu, fifi and both of us are there.

We had a total of 4 rods prawning for 2.5hrs to 4hrs. Prawn a total of 34prawns. Most of it are prawn by fifi. He's the expert.

I only manage to prawn 2 >.< my 2nd prawn which is the biggest in size of all. Before I prawned it, I just told darling that he won't get hit by my prawn as he's just beside me only. I'llsay that because the oppersite side pple prawned 1 prawn and hitted there friends.

I laugh at them and told my darling won't hitted him as he's so near me. Ended up, straight away prawned one and hit directly to his left eye >.< aww.... so sorry.... haHAha...

Me and sab sab :

Fifi holding all the prawns :

Taking pic :

BBQ-ing fresh prawn with salt only :

Breakfast @ Cove lrt station there with a life talk by suzsu :

Fifi accompany us to take train :
her sweet memory was written @ 10:01 PM with 0 comments