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Hei hei hei...
The girl

(Seow Yan)

Birthday: 19/09/87
Favorite: Duckies, Chickies, Chibis character
Hates: Playing soccer,Vulgarities
Dislike: Dairy Products, Cheese, Pizza, Pasta, Milk, Spaghetti, yogurt

Your Footprints

Her friends

Seconday Friends
Cheng Hsiang
Hui Ru

Poly Friends
Shan Yi
Su Rong
Wan Qing
Yu Xiang

ANL's Friends

SIM Friends
Guo Wei

Her cravings

Earn more money! more n more plz...
Go oversea to Hong Kong(Soon ^^), Taiwan

Her Nolstalgia

September 2008♥
October 2008♥
November 2008♥
December 2008♥
January 2009♥
February 2009♥
March 2009♥
April 2009♥
May 2009♥
June 2009♥
August 2009♥
September 2009♥
October 2009♥
November 2009♥
December 2009♥
January 2010♥
February 2010♥
March 2010♥
April 2010♥
May 2010♥
June 2010♥
July 2010♥

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

yeah.... finally there's sports 2day!!! has been stopped and cancelled so many times since sept T_T tat's y I kept on sick. haHAha...

2day's lesson ended @ 10.30am which supposed to end at 12noon. meeting my niece for lunch @ NP FC1. She reached @ 12.33pm. Am so hungry >.< haHAha....

At nite, had sports then went 2 chinatown for dinner. Called 2 dishes of vegetables, 1 prawn omelette, 1 steamed fish, 1 chicken wing and 1 big pot of clay pot. The clay pot was served last o.O we just ate the dishes without rice o.O had 2 bowl of rice o.O supper full >.<
her sweet memory was written @ 11:58 PM with 0 comments

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Woots... finally there's dance after 1 week of resting. As in last week lesson is being postponed. So fast it's the 2nd last lesson already >.<

Kelly/katerine ask me to stand in the middle but I dun 1. I dunno y oso. Almost at the end of the lesson before we really dance the whole song, I kept on coughing T_T think because my throat is too dry.

Went to watched HSM3 2day after dance ^^ of course is went hm bath 1st ^^ one of the song's rhythm 'the boys are back' sounds the same as 1 of the songs in HSM1. There's one cool effect this time round. That is the rotating clockwise or anti clockwise of the whole place with the person on the 'current' ground.

Went to MS for dinner. After that went to catch bear bear again??? Didn't realised that there's this new shop at Level 3 which is near the Kbox area. Lots of small little cute bears for you to catch. Didn't manage to catch my little chick >.< By right all these are roll down and not catch it up de. haHAha...

her sweet memory was written @ 11:50 PM with 0 comments

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Farewell for Bing Jie

Yap, today(24 oct 08, sat) surposed to be the farewell dinner cum drink for bing jie as he's going to vietnam for work. Surposed to have sport before dinner first also but in the end cancelled. ha......

waited for andy till 9pm for dinner -.-''''' 俄死了啦an-ti。went 2 clarke quay eat coz later on meeting the rest at clarke quay for drink. On the way walking over to Boat Quay from Clarke Quay, bj kept on tickling me >.<>.< Still combine with andy tickle me. 1 catch both my hands, 1 tickle me. owl..... 受不了阿。

I drank only 1 hoegarden because still coughing. Overall bing jie drank 3 hoegarden, 1 waterfall, 1 graveyard, 1 lamborghini and 2 bacardi 151 o.O woo....

He's really drunk. Broke a few glasses(diagonally in front of me), spilt 2 glasses of full alcohol(1 of it spilt in front of me and wet my pants) and vomitted ard 4times or more overall. Let him rest in the pub till 2am i guess then we bring him to Singapore river rest till 2plus to 3am i guess.

Fifi, andy n me sent him home 1st. I dunno how to open his house door sia. Lucky his family member didn't wake up. After sometimes, he's abit concious. He helped us lock the door wo. haHAha....

After that we went to Mac had a cup of tea and Andy sent me home. Reached home at 4.35am o.O must hurry up change and go to sleep before my dad wake up. haHAha....

Look at what they did to me >.<

~Happy halloween~ My hair is so messy :

BJ's pose of the night :

The 1st flaming alcohol :

He's high already. Taking photo with the waitress :

woots.... me taking video for the night :
Paul, BJ, Fifi :

Suzsu, Jac n me :
BJ's 1st vomit :
Paul the dao dan gui :

Ok, here's all of us @ boat quay early in the morning 1-2plus
Opss... Andy, wad do you want to do with a drank person??
her sweet memory was written @ 12:32 PM with 0 comments

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Class outting

Finally it's end of the boring lectures and here comes the tutorial. Surposed to be in the afternoon class but because we're going to have dim sum buffet this afternoon, so all of us will go to the morning class instead.

Wanted to take earlier bus, estimated it to come at 8.15am but ended up it came at 8.10am. Once I'm at my house downstairs, I saw my bus went off already >.<>

As for the tutorial, it's really own time own target and do it yourself. I didn't use that software before. Neither did I know it's coding. haiz.... But luckily, Vivian sits beside me and guide me along ^^ Thanks lot to her.

Had our lunch @ PS Lao Bei Jin. Lucky Rudy had called for reservation because it's full house on that day. Overall it's not really dim sum buffet. Rather it can be dumpling buffet. Why??? Because all the dim sum are dumplings in different form and shape only. haHAha. other than that, they only have siew mia and xiao long bao.

Here's the people from my table who're also my clique :

after this, we walked to orchard and went to Kino as I wanted to buy comic books ^^ stay there for quite long. then we slack outside Kino. And I suggested to take photo of the traffic light as there're this 3 colors in the group with more than 1 people wearing the same color.

Here's the traffic light :

After all, we went to Organic cafe which is beside the fitness centre. Called for drinks and chit chat over there as most of us are very full. And they kept on saying about chive as all the dumplings we ate consist of chive. Then I heard edwine say i look like chive. haHAha

Here are all the candit shot by Ah Beng. That's why you can't see Ah Beng, CS and Edwin.

I ordered hot honey lemon as I'm having a cough >.<

From left to right : Jack, Steven, Zhi Jian, Chris, Guo Wei(he's waiting for his drink. haHA)

From left: Jimmy, Rudy.

Had lots of laughter over there. Enjoyed a lot ^^ Did tok to most of them today ^^ took train home with them and reached at 9.55pm. It's a long day today.
her sweet memory was written @ 10:32 PM with 0 comments

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lunch with Mint

Ok, am meeting mint for lunch @ IMM today ^^ woots.... has been a month plus never see her already. Had block nose today. Maybe because yest nite went out to accompany bj, fifi, andy n suzsu for dinner. It was raining heavily, maybe caught flu from there.

We had LJS for lunch ^^ Has been super long never eat already though i'm having flu. haHA.... Told her about my night mare today. ~sweat~ Dreamt on a ghost(gal) >.< Then we chat about ghost dream. woo..... ~hair stand~

We went to the open space and took picture at the end of the day.

I just wanna have big post, who knows I'm right below gaint sign board. So i'm promoting gaint:

And mint promoting Daiso $2 haHAha :

Taking photo with the fishes ^^

mint with fishes :

After all, we walked to je and I took bus to sch while mint took train home. On my way out of je interchange when i'm in the bus, saw Timon walking in. So coincident o.O haHA... She never saw me, so I msg her ;-)
her sweet memory was written @ 9:23 PM with 0 comments

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Distribute System module & saturday's event

hmmm.... has been to school for 4 consecative days to attend that slow and boring lecture. saturday's lesson is full day some more -.-''' sian. worst thing is that he kept on update the lecture notes. haiz.... make our lives so troublesome.

as usual, he'll reach the lecture theather on the dot. On his lappie and take out his notes. he'll always mumble to himself tat we can't hear him. Or whenever he turns his head to the screen and explain, I cant hear what he's talking as he's using the mic -.-''' I can teach louder than him man.

Finally had my 2nd lunch with my new bunch of friends. In the end went to NP FC1 eat as mega bites is almost fully occuppied with people. tried their yong tou hu, 1st time see yong tou hu's ingredients are fried when you order it o.O the noodles portion is very little.

all others except vivian n me ate the japanese fd which looks yummy.

Straight after lunch is the 2nd lesson of the day. And i felt so sleepy!!! It's only after edwine asked or answered a question then i'm awake after all. haHAha.... weird.

For the past 2 days has been coughing only when i'm in the lecture theather. weird...

After my saturday's lesson, gotta rush to zouk meet grissa and my dance course friends for the dance finalist competition aka code edge 2 by our dance school(studio wu) ^^ went to queue at 6.40pm, lucky there isnt much people, only lesson than 10. so we're considered the 1st few in the queue ^^.

the door opens at 7.05pm, we went in at ard 7.15pm. the show starts at 8pm with an opening till ard 8.30pm. it ends at 10.45pm. my leg is so tiring as i've been standing since the show starts >.< was so sO SO thirsty too. so we went 2 collect our free drinks. had fruit punch ^^

got to noe that the 3 sisters stay at hougang which results all of us are the NEL people. haHAha... so we share a cab home. was so tired that day >.<

so here's the photo of the night :

Grissa n me ^^

the one on the left is the youngest 3 sister. why do we call them 3 sisters?? coz there're 3 of them. haHAha... no la. coz they really looks alike wo. oh my goodness!!! haHAha

her sweet memory was written @ 10:46 PM with 0 comments

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A day shopping @ Malaysia, JB

Meeting with shoot 2day to go city square(JB) to shop. Went to Seng Kang meet shoot took bus to woodland and transfer bus to Malaysia. Reached there at 12pm, had our lunch @ Kim Gary.

I'd called Mix curry spaghetti and ended up the curry becomes baked rice that type o.O there's cheese on the top!!! dun dare to eat it coz I tot that there's cheese all over. So shoot offer to exchange her noodles with my curry. Thanks shoot ^^

then we start off with out shopping. nothing much to buy, oni t-shirts. cant find wallet, bag and shoes >.< haiz....

we went 2 secret recipe hav our dinner @ 6.20pm. my main course sucks. Ordered pan-fired grill dory fish with lobster sauce. It's cooked with butter. Can see the butter oil around and it has a kind of taste that I hate!!! 吃到好辛苦喔。

we bought secret recipe's cake hm. And I bought auntie annie too ^^

her sweet memory was written @ 11:03 AM with 0 comments

Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday's outting

ok, here's my only sat outting for the mth T_T cycling trip changed to movie outting. went 2 kovan to do my card n met bj for lunch then we head to PS. meet ryan @ starbucks then sab. chat till 7pm, had our dinner @ xing wang hong kong cafe.

juz order the dumplings as i'm really too full to eat. then we went 2 arcade play till suzsu reached and the movie time starts. Sab manage to catch 2 disney character stitch. 1 for me >.< hee..... ryan want to get winnie the pooh instead, there's oni 1 left. but the person say cannot take tat 1 as it's for cushion-ing -.-'''' As the mickey is not cute at all, so all of us juz take stitch.

The movie, eagle eye, is not really nice. The ending is too fast and mostly all of us are not satisfy with it. Overall, the movie is just like computer controlling the human. haiz...

After movie, we went 2 PS's arcade again then peace centre's arcade till 1plus. As usual, i'll play bishi bashi. As usual, my hand got bruise after playing bishi bashi -.-'''

Candit shot by dunno who. haHAha...

chi..... bj so happy 2 cover ryan up


~tata~ my 1st photo with sab. wah haHAha....

yeah!!!! jac jac, u saw this pic??? sab is mine!!! hoHOho

Carrying the stitch tat sab catched

her sweet memory was written @ 11:26 AM with 0 comments

Friday, October 10, 2008
Dine out with new friends

woo.... 2day is the last lecturer for network security module. And it ends 1 hr earlier. We're going to dine out 2day. Had reserved a place for 16 pple @ 6-6.30pm.

It's still very early as we need to wait for Rudy(from multimedia). Stay @ the bench there for quite some times then we went back to our Lecture theater to wait as there's air-con. hoHOho...

Then we head off to jurong east for dinner. waited super long for bus 52 to come. Had dinner @ jurong entertainment -> Korean food(ZingDo). Then we set off to IMM for hokkaido ice-cream. Bought 1 scoope of dark chocolate ^^ Didn't saw dark chocolate flav @ PS outlet b4 ;-)

we settle at level 3 open space. then play truth or dare till 10pm. Then I went down to Burgur king to meet bj as he's having dinner near jurong area juz now. Then he drove me hm ^^

her sweet memory was written @ 1:24 PM with 0 comments

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
School lifes

hmmm.... my lesson for this week is all afternoon session, so not much time of toking with my new frenz as we're all listening attentively to the lecturer. Sad.... Surprisingly tat on mon, which is my 2nd day, i can tok 2 them. not like very weird or strange for the start ;-)

lectures are the same, haiz..... couldn't understand >.<

her sweet memory was written @ 9:27 AM with 0 comments

Saturday, October 4, 2008
First day of school

First day of school is on sat, full day -.-''' 9am to 12pm, and 2 to 5pm. went to the middle row, almost centre seats to sit. Sad that both sides of me is empty. An interval of empty seats follow by the students. They don't want to sit with me T_T left side is a gal and right side is an indian guy.

Nobody talks to me also T_T The row in front of me has quite a number of gals and 3 guys. Think mostly all the gals are over there. In between the lecture, we've quite a number of breaks. There's once this gal sitting diagonally in front of me turns to the back. So I smile to her, she smiles back but we didn't say anything!! Haiz...

Ok, how's the lecture?? oh my goodness!!!! the lecturer like rushing. Lesson 1 teach from lecture 1 to 3. I only print lecture 1 and 2 notes. Worst thing is I totally don't know what he is talking about. Totally brand new stuff for me. He's like expecting everybody know what it is. I totally don't know what it is la!

During break time, since nobody wanna talk to me and I don't want to be alone. I don't want this to happen!! So I just asked the gal who sits diagonally in front of me, can join them for lunch. She's fine with that. So chat with her till she went down and make payments and asked her friends to bring me along also.

One of the guys not bad. As in, he'll introduce 1 by 1 to me. And I'm in their chique now ^^ while having our lunch, the gals are very very quiet!!! Worst than me wo. I'm the one who kept on asking them questions o.O I think Vivian(the gal who sits diagonally in front of me) is more easy to chat to. She's not there because no outside food is allowed to bring in.

After break, I totally cannot take the lesson. Was half awake T_T felt so sO SO sleepy :_: All I know is the lecturer kept on saying Enc, Key, RC5, DES, PEM, MIME all lots of same formula that I don't understand. haiz...... I only know he kept on talking about these stuff but don't know what it meants T_T

after school, vivian intro me to some other guys that they know but I can't remember there names liao. Too much and short time to remember. ha.... Can remember all of them who went lunch with.

Some of them are going to have dinner @ PS. I can't make it as I'm meeting my colleagues @ ECP after their cycling. Went to the library to borrow textbooks before I head to ecp. Really gotta learn myself >.<

on e way 2 ecp, 4get which bus should I take to go out. Called my sis but never answer. So I just board the bus that i transfer this morning. In the end it's alight at wrong bus stop. Nvm, I went to the opp plaza and buy mineral water. Y?? Coz during my break time, don't know why my water bottle's cover is not closed and it leaks out to my top, jackets and bag. haiz....

Went to have hazelnuts ice blended while waiting for William. And I'm very full liao >.< Didn't eat much for dinner. We ordered satay, lala, sotong, chao xia mian, cha kuei teow, n rojak.

Went hm told my sis about how i get to know people. Coz I asked for lunch with them. My sis say i'm so thick skin. Like tat call thick skin meh??? I just dun wanna be alone ma. If I don't asked at that time, I'll be a loner throughout le wo.

her sweet memory was written @ 12:27 PM with 0 comments

True Yoga

On thurs, suddenly received a call that paused for very long no voice from the speaker. Then say congraduations blah blah blah. I'm entitled to a 2 weeks free pass for true yoga and she kept on emphasis that I do not need to pay anything on that day and was told that I could bring a friend along for accompany. They'll be entitled to the free pass too.

So I ask Gris to accompany me along and just nice she's interested in taking up yoga course. But when we're there on fri morning, it's really pissed off and felt cheated. We've been sitting there for 1hr listening to the person talk and talk.

She kept on selling it to us of course. And kept on saying yoga is a long term one etc... Kept on saying it's either we want or don't want. No consider or try. Trying is no difference. It's not you like or not, it's because of the needs for your health. Even if you don't like, it's still a needs. etc etc..... arg..........

She kept on forcing us to take up. We don't really want. She asked for our age and said that only 21yrs above are eligible to sign up for membership. those under 21 must have a parents gardience to sign. Saying what other gym club is the same etc... which is not true, because Gris is a member of a gym club.

She kept on asking am we interested in taking up this long term membership for yoga. We kept on asking for the price and she kept on don't want say and give us the timetable instead. wth, we don't want to see timetable la. Once we said we're not interested, she gave us black face and kept on force us to join.

Is this how to sell your stuff by forcing people to join. arg.............

Here's a link of a forum for all those victims of true yoga that you all can go and see. It's found by Gris and she said it's been there for 2 yrs already o.O -> http://www.yogadirectory.sg/forum/index.php

her sweet memory was written @ 12:00 PM with 0 comments

1 Day 'student' in RP

On mon(29 Sept), am meeting Violet. She wants me to accompany her to school reformat her lappie. I don't wanna go.... But she kept on asking me to accompany her. Haiz..... So I agreed. Meeting her 8am @ BK mrt, reached RP @ 9.15am.

After sending her lappie for reformat, we went to eat breakfast. Actually is a branch for me. Was very uncomfortable there because I'm wearing a tube dress with long jackets. That's why I don't want to go RP on that day. Or rather it's too far away.

Has been waiting for her lappie from 2hrs to 4.5hrs o.O So boring and sian. Meanwhile her friend came to find her and they bring me around. Later on, we settle at a cafe. The mocha ice blend is not that nice.

We leave the school at ard 2pm. Reaching bugis at 3plus. Shop around till we rest and she's waiting to meet her friend.

Didn't eat dinner as I'm really very full. Think after the infection, my meals are all irregular and always felt so full >.<

And at ard 11plus to 12am, i'm so sO SO hUnGry.... So went to eat the leftover dinner's food. mostly all vegetables. Am still hungry after eating so much at such a timing. But enough is enough. Don't eat till so full at this time.

her sweet memory was written @ 11:45 AM with 0 comments

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Last Day in anl PET team

Yes, as you can see from the title. Yesterday is my last day as a trainer in asnl PET team. Just to clarify that PET team here is not the pets/animals that you kept in your house. It means Project Engagement Team.

Was super busy rushing to finish my current project. Last day doesn't means very free wo. Still gotta do replacement for my colleague @ West Grove Pri 2hrs oni. Ah bing drove me over as he's going to jurong area.

Was very angry with the two groups without any storyboard and don't want to do at all.
Reached office within 15mins woo... Rush to finish editing the flash notes and zap out 50 copies of it till 6.15pm wo. OT!!! haHAha.... wanna tap out when we're leaving soon and ah bing remind me to return instead of tap out. haHAha.... I really forget to return the card. Mui Hua is packing to go off liao when I return it.

Had dinner @ Suntec's Kenny Rogers. It's PET dinner cum Kelvin's bdae cum my farewell. We booked the seats for 7.30pm. Ben drove the rest off 1st. The rest of us set off at 6.30pm. Went to vivo collect my watch and also buy a cake.

Reached suntec @ 8pm. Was so hungry yet I really don't eat much de. We actually played a trick to Kelvin that we bought a maroon big watch for him. Actually it's mine. haHAha... We asked him to wear it and post. hei hei....

After dinner, we went to play arcade till 11pm and off we went hm. As usual, ah bing will drive us back.
her sweet memory was written @ 10:41 AM with 0 comments