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Hei hei hei...
The girl

(Seow Yan)

Birthday: 19/09/87
Favorite: Duckies, Chickies, Chibis character
Hates: Playing soccer,Vulgarities
Dislike: Dairy Products, Cheese, Pizza, Pasta, Milk, Spaghetti, yogurt

Your Footprints

Her friends

Seconday Friends
Cheng Hsiang
Hui Ru

Poly Friends
Shan Yi
Su Rong
Wan Qing
Yu Xiang

ANL's Friends

SIM Friends
Guo Wei

Her cravings

Earn more money! more n more plz...
Go oversea to Hong Kong(Soon ^^), Taiwan

Her Nolstalgia

September 2008♥
October 2008♥
November 2008♥
December 2008♥
January 2009♥
February 2009♥
March 2009♥
April 2009♥
May 2009♥
June 2009♥
August 2009♥
September 2009♥
October 2009♥
November 2009♥
December 2009♥
January 2010♥
February 2010♥
March 2010♥
April 2010♥
May 2010♥
June 2010♥
July 2010♥

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wed night while playing badminton, dunno how I can hit my finger to the net pole o.O and juz nice bb walk passed and saw it.

Yesterday morning da bao bee hoon back to office.. Leave it there for awhile b4 I start eating it...

Am eating very very slow already yet I still can get choke >.<

This afternoon, while the auntie return the changes, she placed my money on top of the table which has vegetable on it o.O so i wanna swing the vegetable off... who noes i hitted my hand to the side of the tables :_: super painful sia!!!!

During evening time, it's still raining o.O sandy ask me to lonbang her cab to queenstown. so i hope on to it. Who noes it's always longer when I hope on to any cars during knock off time. WOrst thing is that the taxi driver dunno how 2 drive de lor... Am so sO SO uncomfortable >.< so i alight @ clementi instead... who day very very 'xin ku' :_:

went to hougang to buy tibits for restocking in office ;-)
her sweet memory was written @ 8:27 PM with 0 comments

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Company dinner

It's been long since I last update... Too busy with work, pt-ing and tired after whole day.... >.< had our company anniversary dinner last fri @ mount faber safra.

Each of us r entitled to a watch as anniversary gift from 25hr watch. Wanna get guys version instead as the stripe is thick type but it looks very flat o.O so I juz stick back to lady's watch ;-)

As the theme is casino, we're entitled to 3 chips during registration. 3 booth are set up for playing. All of us passed our chips to spencer to play. And he went to changed 3 real chips for us ^^

The whole program is boring... Almost all performance are singing... The mc are a channel 5 actor.

Food so-so only.... Not very nice... Like the drinks(fruit punch) ^^ drank alot of it ;-)

The roasted chicken dish made my throat so uncomfortable for 2days o.O think they chop the chicken bone till too too small and it when into my throat o.O

During the lucky draw, won the 3rd prize which is iPod nano 5th generation. Not appealing to me... haHAha....
her sweet memory was written @ 10:44 PM with 0 comments

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

wee.... got new bear to hug... ;-) it's piyo piyo with bee's hat. so fat so nice to hug ^^ thanks bb...

14 Jun 10(Mon):

dunno y my left eye is so uncomfortable for the whole day... @ nite when i took out the contact lense, dunno why it's oni half of it. yes, it's really half.. it breaks into half by itself... i cant find the other half of it... later on when I'm in my rm, i found the other half of it on my small finger o.O
her sweet memory was written @ 5:15 PM with 1 comments

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Met weird uncle and didi AGAIN!!!!!

Arg........ Why do I always met this kind of things sia....

thur night took bus from from beng beng's house. there's this uncle came and sit beside me. 1st when he go into the sit, he stepped on my 'xiao zi'. WTH man.... it's so painful!!! never even say sorry to me.

Next, he sitted more than half of the seats liao.... left so space inside. WTH!!!! then I'm adjusting to almost half of me is outside the seats. worst is I'm sitting @ the 2nd level near to the stairs which is the most narrow path that seats T_T arg.........

Fri morning I'm slightly late. So took the next train from my normal timing. Then I saw his weird didi the 2nd time again. 1st time I saw him is last thur. Tat day, once he enter into the train, he stand beside this man who always play PSP.

So this didi stand 90 degree facing the man with his chin almost touching tat man's shoulder. when the train stops or move, this didi loose balance and indeed his chin bang to that man's shoulder. So didi uses his right hand and stretch all the way to the back hander pushing himself towards the man looking @ him playing. Then he changed his left hand to the nearest handle and stand infront of the man. This time his face is infront of that man's shoulder instead. haHAha....

All of us alight @ outram, then he is infront of me. while walking towards east-west line, he suddenly walk beside me. And my beside is not those 1 shoulder length away or wad. it's really beside me without any space o.O so when i'm in the escalator, i walk up instead. And saw him going up the escalator again from east-west line. o.O

So now, here's the 2nd time I met him. You noe there's this pole near the entrance of the train door. So I'm standing in front of this pole once I enter into the train. This didi board the train @ farrar park and stand beside me on my left. His shoulder kept on touching me, so I carry my bag on my left shoulder instead of carry it on my hand.

And this didi can come close me till I shift myself from in front of the pole till right side of the pole sia... And now he's standing in front of the pole instead. Not long later, I place my hand on the pole. then after he saw me placing my hand on the pole, he oso place his hand on the pole and try to lean on it to touch my hand. As I'm holding high enough, he can't touch me.

When the train almost reaches outram, this didi uses his right hand 'buay' my left leg sia!!!! WTH !!!!!!!! @#^$!&$!#!*%^@(% my left side already carried a bag and he still can do this to me. once he 'buay' my leg and move to the front, i saw his right hand suddenly carrying his bag!!! o.O WTH man!!!!

not finished yet wo..... I still thought he's walking in front liao so wont have any more things happen liao. So I walk very very slowly @ the back. Saw him walking @ the right side in front, so I walked slowly @ the left side far behind. then suddenly, he's searching for me liao o.O oh my goodness!!!!!!

I think he's walking to the left liao, so i try to walk to the center. Who noes, he's standing on my left again o.O just side by side o.O so I walk super super slow.... he follow me again sia!!! when it comes to the split path on the 2 escalator to east-west line, i walked super slow behind him 1 step and he kept on turning back to see which way I'm walking to...

I look @ the board, joo koon's train is 1min waiting time, so I bluff him on walking the longer path and turn right to the nearest escalator. I noe he saw me turning right and follow. so I walked super fast with my heels and cut through people, walked up the escalator and go into the train immediately..... haiz........

never to be late anymore sia.... T_T why is my life so sad sia........
her sweet memory was written @ 2:49 PM with 0 comments

Sunday, May 9, 2010

ok, here's my post ;-) has been so busy and tired that I dun have the time to update.

everyday sleep b4/@ 11pm, so times reach hm, bathe and sleep liao. Dun have the time to on my lappy @ all...

I just dunno why my dad suddenly dun like me to stay out late till ard 2 or 3am since the starting of this yr. I always reach hm @ 11/12plus last time which is still ok to him. And last bdae he still said I've grown up and have 'fen chun'. And now he keep back his words.... haiz.....


Anyway, I've been given a task to do to enhance on the project. We're 3 topics in this project. And previously I'd done on 1 of them. Now I'm given another topic to enhance on it. 1st, our intranet is not up yet we cant have screen shots of it. 2nd, diff sch have diff layout/color for the intranet, it's so hard to hav it generally. 3rd, I'd not doing on this topic, how do i noe how its functions?? 4th, eventually all schools gotta work on it and have their own slides on it.. Isnt it more than double work.

A few days later my project manager came and then told me abt the things to be edited. You ask me to enhance it but nv told me wad thing to edit or enhance. A few days later then come n tell me... isn't it too late... with such a short deadline..

He said the image needs to be clearer. the problem is the image is big and clear but once placed inside the program, it shrinks and become blur. I told him tat I dun have the images, it's very hard to get. coz the only way is to go to tekong and screen shot it myself. plus he wants video on it o.O then he said a word which disappoint me on his impression to me...

he said i dun care, i juz want to see the results.... it hurts my hearts... And my tears are @ the edges of my eyes already...

after he went into sandy's rm, anthony came n tok 2 me which made me burst out.. I cant hold the tears anymore...

after afew hrs, i went to tell sandy that i need to go back to tekong next week. then anthony told her on wad proj manager had juz said and i dunno y i burst out again....

I just dunno y my teas kept on coming out... Not i 1 2 cry de... It just kept on rolling down by itself... I still can laugh but the tears juz kept on rolling down by itself....

7 May 10 (fri):

I went to coy line to help them out for the projection. Coz the keys have not handed to the school by the vendors, we cant do anything to it oso. So gotta wait for the vendor to come and pass us the keys. while waiting, a grp of warrent officer came up and i dun know they're toking to me sia...

they kept on saying why am i wearing like a bakery... lol.... where got sia...

then chat with maran sir. he's a funny indian guy who knows abit of chinese as his wife is a chinese wo...
her sweet memory was written @ 11:06 AM with 0 comments

Sunday, April 11, 2010
I am back ;-)

Opss.... It's been long since my last post as I'm super busy and tired after moving to SCS.

This whole week gotta reach office early as there'r course for the officer in 2 grps, so meaning we gotta present the same things 2times. Sandy said she going to present this round, subsequent presentation will be dont by us instead.

But on thur wed head the bad news that thur and fri course are split into 3 venues o.O meaning we die die oso must present liao.... so thur had an last min run thru of wad we're suppose to present. I"m going to present in the mess while wei jing and anthony present in Fox trout.

On fri, heard tat Fox trout groups will have the two venue combine into 1 class for the presentation. Meaning wei jing and anthony can split the slides half half while I'm still the one who will be in the mess giving a full presentation.

By right the presentation is 9.45am and I wait and wait and wait.... Till 12plus I thought my presentation will have to wait till after lunch. who knows it starts @ 12.45pm. While waiting, my hands are freaking cold o.O coz I'm too nervous... Gotta present to PC sia...

And I predict that I'll present for very long probably 45mins to 1hr. Indeed, my presentation took up almost an hr.

b4 I start my presentation, the CO said Sandy(our in charge) will present on learNet(our project) to them. But Sandy told him it's not her. So he asked who's the 1 presenting. Sandy said it's me. And the OC said oh.... you asked xiao mei mei to present.. haHAha..... CO loves to call me xiao mei.

While presenting, 我脚软了O.o Till the last slide, I accidentally said for the infra side, you can look for the kenny. I dun know why I went to say the kenny, wanna continue with my presentation but anthony and sandy suddenly laugh making me laugh in front of all.

haiz yaya.... after the presentation, anthony said my presentation is ok but till the end they cant bare but to laugh it out coz I said 'the kenny' like i hate kenny tat's why I said the kenny. lol....

forgotten that it's friday and our knock off time is 5pm!!! ended up 5.30pm then knock off... am late for collection of the graduation regalia. in the end beng beng is 1 who is late!!!!! o.O

10 Apr 10(sat) :

went to malaysia city sq with colleagues(anthony, wei jing, vonvon and her bf). meeting them 11.30am @ kranji mrt station. once i reach jurong east station, alight the train and my right slipper front strip came out o.O

no choice, gotta go bukit batok alight and buy shoes 1st. drag my way to bukit batok and luckily there's a temp watson outside the mall. went to buy a $7.90 slipper. while dragging my way to the cashier, then I'm thinking do i have enough sing dollar not?? o.O

phew..... I oni bring S$8 out as I'm going in to malaysia...

Intended to had lunch @ old town, tea break @ swensen, and dinner @ stone grill. But in the end nv eat dinner as all of them are full.... But i'm not.... finally i can eat dinner liao wo.... T_T

went home @ 7pm with 13boxes of white coffee from old town. 4 boxes are my oni, the rest @ anthony's 1. But we're bringing tat to the office anyway...

11 Apr 10(sun):

yest nite saw that my house here oni have 1 clinic that is under our company's clinic list. but when I went there, it stated sun closed o.O but the company list stated they are open on sun de.... bluff pple sia....

so went hm and wait for fin to come. having breakfast with her. then to my house and to west mall as there's a clinic over there open till 1pm and having night shift oso...

as we need to wait for 40mins for my turn, we just went to shop shop abit 1st...

when I'm back to the clinic, a name was called not long later... but it dun sounds like my name. Fin said it's my name, so I juz walked into the conslutation rm and the doctor said wu xiao yan. i told him i'm teo seow yan, teo.... not wu...

so he asked the nurse for the previous card and indeeded, they made a mistake... the previous girl who went in is called wu xiao yan. and I am teo seow yan... so the doctor gotta transfer the writting to tat girl's card and cancel off from my cards.

doctor oni said i'm having sensitive skin and the mouth area is hard to cure o.O

after that, went shopping for awhile with fin and went hm take my things 1st. meeting beng beng @ tiong b4 going hm, ended up waited for him for 40mins sia!!!!!! i slept over there while waiting for him lor.... haiz.........
her sweet memory was written @ 9:47 PM with 0 comments

Saturday, March 13, 2010

8 Mar 10(mon):

Went to ocs meeting. In the afternoon joined their tour and had stand the whole afternoon till my leg is so tired and I'm so thirsty sia o.O

Sad thing is I'm on 'T loan' to ocs sia..... T_T

9 Mar 10(tue):

Sad..... gotta go back to tekong instead of staying in ocs.... sobsobsob....

10 Mar 10(wed):

as all the heads are back to deport rd meeting, meaning 'bo jeng hu' 2day... the office key is given to spencer instead. as he's having his jogging in the morning and wont be back so early, he asked us to go for breakfast while waiting for him to open the door after his exercise.

So I suggested to my colleagues that we meet 8.10am @ the ferry terminal and had our breakfast there and take 8.30am ferry over. As the breakfast over there is nicer than tekong 1... haHAha....

It's raining since early in the morning... Geogina called me asking me to fetch her from bus 89e interchange to the terminal as she nv bring umbrella o.O she said if the rain is getting smaller, she'll walk over herself.

1 bad point on bus 89e is it skipped the bus stop infront of the ferry terminal and go straight to the bus interchange. haiz... bcoz I'm chatting with beng beng on phone, so I alight infront of the ferry terminal bus stop and saw jason as he's waiting for the rain to stop. then I called geogina and ask if she's still there. yes, sh's still there.

how come I dun might as well alight @ the next stop and fetch her over directly?? ai yo yo!!!! coz I'm not sure she's still there anot ma... haiz yaya..... so I put my heavy bag in the bus stop with Jason, walked over to the other bus stop fetch geogina into ferry terminal then go back to the bus stop take my bag and go to the ferry terminal with jason.

had a surprised bdae celebration for vonvon in the late afternoon... as she's having leave on her bdae tml. team B ordered mocha cake from prema deli while wei jing buy the nike water bottle present.

created 2 jokes @ the end of the day sia.... o.O while we're going off from office to catch the ferry, I suddenly remembered that I forgotten to take my sports shoes.. so I u-turn and run back to the front of my desk, bend down to take my shoes bag. While doing so, my slipper bend inwards and I fall o.O haHAha.... vonvon oni saw my ending post, some saw me fall >.<>

after walking down the to level1 and out of the HQ door, I realised that my slipper stripe broke coz of the bend just now o.O lucky still can walk... on the way to the ferry, took my pass out to scan later on. after sometimes then I realised tat I took out my ez-link instead... haHAha.... -.-'''''

11 Mar 10(thur):

went to scs meeting till 1plus. then gotta go ocs. so junie said she go to the guard house fetch me in. obviously is ocs guide house, marcus ask me to walk over myself, he drive his bike over. then i sad sad... while I'm walking out of the guide house, marcus called me and asked junie nv fetch me?? i said it's @ ocs. he thought she drive to scs guide house fetch me... I thought he dun hav extra helmet oso...

While I'm out of scs, 2 stupid car horned me. wth!!!! slap them ar.... then the traffic light button nv press, so no green man appear out. all then car just continue driving pass that I cant walk over. So cross another side de traffic light, ended up the opp side cant cross over t_t gotta J-walk...

after work, went to city hall meet beng beng they all. waited for an hr plus o.O dunno how come spring my ankle o.O

12 Mar 10(fri):

went back to tekong 2day T_T help to convert the current ppt to articulate. gotta explore how to use it o.O spent whole day exploring it...

Had missed 8am ferry due to some reason. And met a weird uncle in the ferry!!! arg.... sit at the top of the ferry, an uncle came up, sit in front, turn back look @ me. then say wad bmtc to me. fei hua leh..... the ferry oni go bmtc wad... i ignore him then he kept on whistle calling me o.O arg!!! @%^%@W(@

Coz didn't really have work to do, so whole day have been crapping, singing and playing...
her sweet memory was written @ 11:17 AM with 0 comments